11 research outputs found

    Towards Designing an Assistant for Semi-Automatic EMS Dispatching

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    Many Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems worldwide handle emergency rescues as well as patient transports and dispatchers need to assign ambulances to incidents manually throughout the day. The management of the complex system together with the manual assignments can easily create stress for and pressure on the dispatchers. Mathematical algorithms can help improving the dispatching quality, but then dispatchers still need to choose the best-fitting algorithm and furthermore, trust the algorithm’s dispatching suggestion. We propose an assistant that can support the EMS dispatchers. The assistant offers explanations for the choice of the algorithm as well as the dispatching suggestion in order to increase the dispatchers’ trust and decrease their stress. We ground the assistant’s design in Information Systems as well as Operations Research literature and thus, show how interdisciplinary service research can contribute in designing artefacts for complex service systems to solve real-world problems

    Ideas on Customer-oriented Queuing in Service Incident Management

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    The provision of services hinges considerably on the contribution of the provider and the customer and - if present - on their involved networks. In this working paper we focus on incident management. By understanding the influence of a customer`s contribution to a service, the provider should be able to improve the interaction quality in general. Furthermore the provider should be able to determine and control his effort based on the expected customer`s contribution

    Customer Integration in Service Innovation: An Exploratory Study

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    Customer Integration in Service Innovation: An Exploratory Study

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    Prominent industry projects, as well as an extensive literature suggest the importance of customer integration for companies’ innovation success. This appears to be especially true for service firms, which inherently build on customer interaction. Despite this appreciation of the approach, there are comparably few empirical analyses of the positive and negative effects of customer integration. In this exploratory study, we build on established customer role concepts to study the status quo of customer integration in industry, as well as reservations against the roles and negative experiences from customer integration projects. The study reveals a gap between reservations and actual negative experiences in losing know-how, as well as a positive effect of experience in customer integration on perceived benefits for the company

    Dienstleistungen fĂŒr ElektromobilitĂ€t: Ergebnisse einer Expertenstudie; 2., aktual. Auflage

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    ElektromobilitĂ€t ist ein Fortbewegungskonzept der Zukunft, das bereits heute Einzug hĂ€lt. "Das Auto neu denken", so heißt die Devise des Regierungsprogramms zur ElektromobilitĂ€t - eine Reaktion auf zunehmende Ressourcenknappheit und Umweltbelastungen. Zum einen soll die ElektromobilitĂ€t einen signifikanten Beitrag zum Erreichen der Klimaschutzziele leisten, zum anderen soll Deutschland zum internationalen Leitanbieter und Leitmarkt fĂŒr ElektromobilitĂ€t werden. Hierbei spielen Innovationen und MarktverĂ€nderungen eine zentrale Rolle. Die Publikation basiert auf zahlreichen Experteninterviews und zeigt Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr verschiedene Akteure, die an dem Aufbau des "Systems ElektromobilitĂ€t" in Deutschland beteiligt sind. Hierzu zĂ€hlen Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von Unternehmen unterschiedlicher GrĂ¶ĂŸe und aus zahlreichen Branchen, aus der Wissenschaft, der öffentlichen Hand, aber auch IntermediĂ€re (z.B. VerbĂ€nde), um mit Hilfe von Dienstleistungen und entsprechenden GeschĂ€ftsmodellen den Markt zu erschließen und ElektromobilitĂ€t in der Breite am Markt etablieren zu können